Dm cavea: ca. 40 m
Ch.T. Newton, Travels and discoveries in the Levant, II (London 1865) 57.
Ph. Le Bas - S. Reinach, Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure, I (Paris 1888) Taf. 67.
G. Guidi, Viaggio di esplorazione in Caria, Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene 4/5, 1921/22, 362 Abb. 19.
G.E. Bean - J.M. Cook, The Carian coast, Annual of the British School at Athens 52, 1957, 96.
B.W. Johannowsky, Osservazioni sul teatro di Iasos su altri teatri in Caria, Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene 47/48, 1969/70, 456 Abb. 6.
G.E. Bean, Kleinasien 3. Jenseits des Mäander – Karien mit dem Vilayet Mugla (Stuttgart 1974) 89 mit Lageplan.
J.Ch. Balty, Curia ordinis: recherches d’architecture et de l’urbanisme antiques sur les curies provinciales du monde romain (Brüssel 1991) 531.
P. Ciancio Rossetto - G. Pisani Sartorio (Hrsg.), Teatri greci e romani alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato, III (Rom 1994) 372.
R.G. Chase, Ancient Hellenistic and Roman Amphitheatres, Stadiums, and Theatres – the way they look now (Portsmouth, New Hamphshire 2002) 48-49 Abb.
F. Sear, Roman Theatres. An Architectural Study. Oxford Monographs in Classical Archaeology (Oxford 2006) 330.