ABILA, Quweilbeh (Arabia)


Dm Cavea 73-80 m


Das wahrscheinlich römische Theater liegt an einem Hügel, an dem sich die Mulde der cavea erkennen lässt.


G. Schumacher, Abila of the Decapolis (London 1889) 30.
I. Browning, Jerash and the Decapolis (London 1982) 49 Abb. 10.
W. H. Mare/C.J. Lentzen, The Decapolis Survey Proiect: Abila 1980, Annual of the Department of Antiquities 26, 1982, 49 Abb. 5.
W. H. Mare, The 1982 season at Abila of the decapolis, Annual of the Department of Antiquities 28, 1984, 39-54.
M. J. Fuller, Abila of the Decapolis: A Roman-Byzantine City in Transjordan (Ann Arbor 1987) 174 ff.
W. H. Mare, The 1988 Season of Excavation at Abila of the Decapolis, Annual of the Department of Antiquities 35, 1991, 203-221, spez. 208-212.
W. H. Mare, Abila: a thriving Greco-Roman City of the Decapolis, Aram 4, 1992, 65 f.
P. Ciancio Rossetto/G. Pisani Sartorio (Hrsg.), Teatri greci e romani alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato, II (Rom 1994) 92.
A. Segal, Theatres in Roman Palestine and Provincia Arabia. Mnemosyne Supplementum 140 (Leiden/New York/Köln 1995) 49 f. Abb. 31.
R. G. Chase, Ancient Hellenistic and Roman Amphitheatres, Stadiums, and Theatres – the way they look now (Portsmouth, New Hamphshire 2002) 185 Abb.
W. H. Mare, Abila und Wadi Quweilbeh – Basiliken und Gräber, in: A. Hoffmann/S. Kerner (Hrsg.), Gadara – Gerasa und die Dekapolis (Mainz 2002) 46-58 Abb. 62. 65.
F. Sear, Roman Theatres. An Architectural Study. Oxford Monographs in Classical Archaeology (Oxford 2006) 307.

